Saturday, October 21, 2006

I had this dream that Rong Shan sent me a wreath of daisies.

I think i forgot to thank her in my dream. So Rong Shan, if ya reading this, thanks alot.

Did u cast a hex on me or something?

I also had this other dream last night. I was this assistant attorney and i'm like investigating this series of murder in town. I was assisting this busty-drop-dead-gorgeous-bitch (the leading attorney) and she sorta discovered that the murderer is someone taking this drug called "IMOVANE".

This is the same drug i'm taking in real life for my sleep disorder.

Turns out the side effect for this drug is that after one week of consumption, you'll turn into this full-fledged blue-fur werewolf. And i discovered that my fren, Loke,

took the drug "IMOVANE" and became,

and me, being the super hero, have to take the pills for one week and have a final show down with Loke my friend.

I remembered we had our heads-on beside a lake-swamp place underneath a full moon night.

I dun think we fought much. But i did ask him "why are we blue in colour huh?" Then he didn't answer my question and went on ranting about how regretful he was in taking lives of those innocents.

I think i was so bored with his rantings that i woke up.

Was in church today. The rosary session started at 8pm. i reached at ard 8.30pm. And when i reached the room and finally settled down, the speaker just said,"oh! that's all for today! how's your experience so far?"

my experience? WHAT EXPERIENCE?


But me, Gabs and peiyun went over to Hong Kong Cafe and had a very engaging discussion about christianity and angels and stuff. I told them my baptism name will be "Michael" as my mom gave this to me at birth but was rejected due to "divine intervention" (my dad) as he claims that "we are chinese and we don't need ang-mo mia (mia meaning names in hokkien)".

Since i have a mind of my own now, "Michael" shall be re-instated.

Ryan Michael H****. Sounds impressive if you ask me.


Here's how the Archangel Michael looks like:

He exists in many of the choirs hierarchy in heaven. A damn solid cool angel.

A prayer for believers to St. Michael:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host --
by the Divine Power of God --
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

A similar fragmented prayer is used on the 2005 movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose when Father
Richard Moore says it when seeing a shadow near his jail cell. The prayer was composed by Pope Leo XIII at the end of the 19th century; he made it part of a set of prayers to be recited on behalf of the Church at the end of Low Mass (liturgy).

It's 3am now.


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